My name is Simon Chege. I have been serving as a life changer at African Christian Mission International for the year 2019/2020.
I must confess that I was so nervous of the unknown as I walked into the orientation room that monday morning at ACMI grounds and In my mind I had super expectations on how my one year would be; preaching at the pulpit, mentorship , doing village missions among other great ministering opportunities. I felt small with a big task ahead of me and I wondered if I would accomplish all.

One of the unique experiences that challenged me towards growth was during a bible study discussion on the topic “THE HOLY SPIRIT”.It was a group of around 12 students and they had a real deep understanding and revelation of the topic better than i was and i was challenged to learn more on the Holy Spirit and to grow in my personal walk with Him. These and many more experiences made my stay in the missions’ field exciting.

In that one year, I have not been perfect. I had my share of weaknesses and failures as I served. But every time I failed; I was reminded of how weak I am without the grace of God. I alos learnt that I was a partaker of the gospel I was sharing and it was not meant for others. I need the grace of God equally as the drunkard, the murderer, the slanderer and I stopped pointing fingers at others.

I have really enjoyed serving as a life changer for that one year and im grateful to African Christian Mission International for that opportunity.
I have personally grown in faith and also invested in the kingdom of God for His glory. They supported me in every way and these is a place I would encourage someone to consider in terms of short-term service and ministry.
May God bless and increase you all