African Christian Mission International (ACMI)

Fundraiser Story


Samcung Okulus Rivt PC - Powered VR Gaming Headset

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration which don’t look even slightly believable. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted.

Hendric Anderson
  • 12 Campaign
  • New York, London

$ 24,553,852

Total funded

Super Bass Headset by Beast Monster Technology Development

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration which don’t look even slightly believable. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted.

Bella Simalungun
  • 12 Campaign
  • New York, London

$ 9,425,552

Total funded

Mega Drone Stabilizier

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration which don’t look even slightly believable. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted. It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted.

Dedi Cahyadi
  • 12 Campaign
  • New York, London

$ 79,412,552

Total funded

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