African Christian Mission International (ACMI)

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5 Projects Found


  • admin
  • 409 Days left

African Christian Mission International is majorly involved in reaching out to the lost souls. Our heart beats for the youth.


African Christian Mission International is majorly involved in reaching out to the lost souls. Our heart beats for the youth and therefore we travel across the nation to high schools, primary schools and tertiary institutions but this does not limit us going to villages and planting churches. Your support to greatly help in reaching out to just one soul.

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Donation Total: $100.00

  • Life changers

Adopt an ACMI Staff

  • admin
  • 410 Days left

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him.

Adopt an ACMI Staff

How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15

ACMI staff consists of missioners (which entails Sound engineers, media, preachers), Operation Hope staff (who are involved in the vulnerable children’s ministry, from counseling & Therapy, school and home visits, mentoring camps and training among other work in response to making sure that these kids are able to go through school in a conducive state both internally (spiritual and emotional) and externally (support, physical needs, etc)

The ACMI team gives their best to God’s work and your support in adopting a staff or two will greatly help in bringing unimaginable stability and peace of mind to both staff and the lives we are impacting.

Average Monthly budget for one staff $300

The Current number of Staffs is 21.

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Donation Total: $600.00

  • College Ministry

College Ministry

  • admin
  • 502 Days left

Mission team visits students in colleges and hostels in Thika sub-county for fellowships and mentorship on a weekly basis. We.

College Ministry

Mission team visits students in colleges and hostels in Thika sub-county for fellowships and mentorship on a weekly basis.

We have around 20 colleges and many hostels in the sub-county.

Transport cost per month $300

Give $10, $5

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Donation Total: $5.00

  • ISOM
  • Missions

International School of Missions

  • admin
  • 502 Days left

The young ones are trained to be effective witnesses, spiritually mature and handle various challenges facing the modern young generation..

International School of Missions

Started in September 1999, ISOM exist to train and equip young people across all denominations to reach out and heed to the great commission.

The young ones are trained to be effective witnesses, spiritually mature and handle various challenges facing the modern young generation. This is where they capture God’s purpose for their lives.

We are Targeting 50 youths from churches around to board for 3 months.

Support one youth with $300

Total Budget of $15, 000

The Budget caters for needy students support in:

Accommodation and meals and Teaching materials

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Donation Total: $900.00

  • Life changers

Adopt a Life Changer

  • admin
  • 502 Days left

The Life Changers are young people who have completed their college/university and have given their first year after school to.

Adopt a Life Changer

About Life Changers

The Life Changers are young people who have completed their college/university and have given their first year after school to Serve and be mentored. They tirelessly go from one mission to another, visiting primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, from county to county and village to village, taking the good news to the poor. The labor is worth. The souls converted and lives changed is a great reward.

Imagine more than 30, 000 thousands elementary schools with an average of 500 pupils, more than 10, 000 Secondary schools, and then colleges and universities. This is a population of young people who without knowing Christ, may perish in drugs and immorality in the modern world. But not with us reaching them first, calling them to God’s love and grace. With your support with the Life Changers upkeep we can be able to reach many.

This program dubbed “One year for Christ” is a short-term term experience in ministry for a year and is geared towards promoting positive character development. Their slogan is Pacesetters in character.

You can adopt one, two or more Life changers by making a monthly contribution. Monthly budget for one life changer $150. Your consistent, monthly giving will bring unimaginable stability, peace of mind and help in

Monthly budget for one life changer $150

The Current number of Life Changers is 18.

With your support and God’s help we are hoping to reach 50 as the Lord is opening more missions doors to go and reach the lost young souls across.

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Donation Total: $300.00

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