African Christian Mission International (ACMI)

Archive : September 2019 - African Christian Mission International (ACMI)

About Chaplaincy

The word chaplain comes from the early history of the Christian church. Traditionally, a story relates the compassion of a.

A True Friend

A true friend sees and focuses more on the good in you, not the bad. He desires your good, not.

Bible Response To Betting

Betting has become a game of majority in Kenya today. Let’s hear what God is telling us about the same..

Burn Out In The Ministry

*VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PASTORS TO READ AND TAKE NOTE* The recent exit of Pastor Pete Wilson of Cross Point.

Challenges to Innovations

Many years ago in a small Italian town, a merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money.

Welcome to 1000 Members Club

As a way of raising funds to sustain the core programs at ACMI, we came up with a program that.

Open chat
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